投稿时间:2012-07-31    点此下载全文
ZHAO Xu,HUANG Qiang,SHEN Jin-cai,et al. Drilling Technologies of Golden Ore District at Victoria Lake in Tanzania[J]. Drilling Engineering, 2012,39(Z1):66-68.
摘要点击次数: 851
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赵旭 中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院 
黄强 中国石化集团公司江汉石油管理局测录井工程公司 
沈金才 中国石油化工股份公司江汉分公司天然气勘探开发处 
石元会 中国石化集团公司江汉石油管理局测录井工程公司 
陈强 上海工程技术大学 
中文摘要:四川盆地东部非常规页岩气勘探潜力巨大,在该区石柱复向斜内,中石化江汉分公司部署的 JX井于自流井组珍珠冲段页岩层成功获得非常规工业气流,又有2口针对自流井组东岳庙段页岩气层的探井,也获得了工业产能。研究表明鄂西渝东区自流井组有两套差异性较大的页岩气层,分别是“页包砂”型即页岩层段沉积有条带状砂岩夹层,页岩质地不纯;“页包灰”型即页岩与灰岩呈薄条状交互沉积,页岩质地不纯,实钻气显示均较活跃,具有一定规模的页岩气勘探潜力。
中文关键词:川东石柱复向斜  自流井组  页岩气层  分类  录井  特征分析
Drilling Technologies of Golden Ore District at Victoria Lake in Tanzania
Abstract:The potential of shale gas of Sichuan basin is enormous. In the Sizhufu syncline in this area, the Jx well has a successful unconventional industrial airstream in the shale of Zhenzhuchong section of Zhiliujing group. In other 2 wells in Dongyuemiao section of zhiliujing group, the industrial value also appears. Research indicates that in the western Hubei province and eastern Chongqing province, there are two different kinds of shale in Zhiliujing group. One is “shale with sandstone”which means layers of sandstone exist in layers of shale. Another is “share with limestone” which means layers of shale are sedimented with thin layers of limestone. The shale gas in both kinds of shale is active and has a large potential when the shale are mined.
keywords:Sizhufu syncline in eastern Sichuan  Ziliujing group  layers of shale  classification well logging analysis of characteristics
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