2000 m地质岩心钻探关键技术与装备
投稿时间:2011-11-29    点此下载全文
引用本文:张金昌,刘凡柏,冉恒谦,等.2000 m地质岩心钻探关键技术与装备[J].钻探工程,2012,39(1):3-6.
ZHANG Jin-chang,LIU Fan-bai,RAN Heng-qian,et al. Key Technology and Equipment of 2000m Core Drilling[J]. Drilling Engineering, 2012,39(1):3-6.
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张金昌 中国地质科学院勘探技术研究所 jinchang@cniet.com 
刘凡柏 中国地质科学院勘探技术研究所  
冉恒谦 中国地质科学院勘探技术研究所  
孙建华 中国地质科学院勘探技术研究所  
孟义泉 中国地质科学院勘探技术研究所  
基金项目:“863”计划“十一五”重点项目“2000 m地质岩心钻探关键技术与装备”(2007AA060701);国家危机矿山接替资源找矿项目“2000 m全液压岩心钻探装备示范工程”(20089945)
中文摘要:经过4年的攻关,国家“863”计划重点项目“2000 m地质岩心钻探关键技术与装备”研制取得了多项创新成果,主要包括:完成了地面钻探设备及孔内钻探取心器具集成配套,形成了深部岩心钻探施工和示范能力;完成了山东金青顶矿区危矿专项ZK43-1钻孔施工,终孔深度2212.80 m。全孔平均钻进时效为1.65 m,岩心采取率为98.6%,钻孔质量优良;创造了3项钻深和套管下入深度全国记录;在大项目运作机制、产学研合作模式及钻探技术示范方式等方面积累了一些经验。详细介绍了项目的研制情况及取得的主要成果。
中文关键词:全液压岩心钻机  泥浆泵  钻进参数监测  绳索取心钻杆  绳索取心液动锤  长寿命金刚石钻头
Key Technology and Equipment of 2000m Core Drilling
Abstract:This paper introduced the main achievements of “key technology and equipment of 2000m core drilling” in the “863” project: integration of drilling equipment and core drilling apparatus has been completed to form the ability of deep core drilling construction and demonstration; the specific project of crisis mine ZK43-1 construction in Jinqingding mine was finished with good borehole quality of termination depth 2212.80m, average drilling efficiency 1.65m/h and core recovery 98.6%; in this borehole construction, 3 pieces of record of depth in drilling and casing in China were created; and some experiences were accumulated in large project operating mechanism, industry-university-research cooperation mode and drilling technology demonstration mode.
keywords:hydraulic core drill  mud pump  drilling parameter monitoring  wire-line coring rod  wire-line coring hydraulic hammer  diamond bit with long service life
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