1.河北省地矿局第九地质大队,河北 邢台 054000;2.中化地质矿山总局河北地质勘查院,河北 石家庄 050031
1.No.9 Geology Team, Hebei Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Xingtai Hebei 054000, China;2.Hebei Geological Exploration Institute of Sinochem General Administration of Geology and Mines,Shijiazhuang Hebei 050031, China
刘江,聂新明,王雷浩,等.白涧铁矿ZK27A07孔下套管跑管事故处理[J].钻探工程,2022,49(6):79-86.LIU Jiang, NIE Xinming, WANG Leihao, et al. Treatment of casing unscrewing in ZK27A07 hole of Baijian Iron Mine[J]. Drilling Engineering, 2022,49(6):79-86.