投稿时间:2022-06-30  修订日期:2022-07-28  点此下载全文
LIU Wenwu,ZHU Wenjian,ZHAO Hongbo,et al. Drilling technology of Well Ejiandi-4 for shale gas geological survey in western Hubei[J]. Drilling Engineering, 2022,49(5):39-47.
摘要点击次数: 718
全文下载次数: 747
刘文武 北京探矿工程研究所北京 100083 lww2257@163.com 
朱文鉴 北京探矿工程研究所北京 100083  
赵洪波 中国地质调查局油气资源调查中心北京 100083
中国地质大学(北京)北京 100083 
孟凡洋 中国地质调查局油气资源调查中心北京 100083  
冯美贵 北京探矿工程研究所北京 100083  
郭坤 北京探矿工程研究所北京 100083  
李超 北京探矿工程研究所北京 100083  
蒋睿* 北京探矿工程研究所北京 100083
中国地质大学(北京)北京 100083 
中文摘要:为查明鄂西页岩气勘查区域地层层序、地质参数,揭示地层含油气性特征,中国地质调查局在湖北省建始县部署了一口大口径页岩气地质调查井——鄂建地4井,完钻井深2026 m。针对卵砾石层、承压水层、致斜地层等复杂地层难钻进和坍塌掉块等井下复杂频现难题,通过钻头优选、钻具组合优化、多类型钻井液体系配制等措施,形成了卵砾石层优快钻进和防斜复合钻进技术;针对涌漏并存,从通井、下套管、固井施工工艺等方面细化技术措施,实现了“穿鞋戴帽”固井,为后续油气开发、井筒完整性等创造了有利条件。该井形成的系列技术方法可为鄂西地区未来油气钻井施工提供有益经验。
中文关键词:页岩气地质调查  页岩气井  涌漏并存  “穿鞋戴帽”固井  防斜复合钻进  鄂建地4井  鄂西地区
Drilling technology of Well Ejiandi-4 for shale gas geological survey in western Hubei
Abstract:In order to find out the stratigraphic sequence and geological parameters in the shale gas exploration area in western Hubei and reveal the characteristics of stratigraphic oil and gas potential, China Geological Survey has deployed a large-diameter shale gas geological survey Well Ejandi-4 in Jianshi, Hubei province, with a drilling depth of 2026 m. In view of drilling challenges, such cementing difficulties, e.g. gravel layer, confined water layer and dipped formation, collapse and falling stones, with proper selection of the drilling bit, optimization of the drilling string, and development of the high-efficiency drilling fluid system, a drilling process combining quick drilling and deviation prevention for gravel layers has been formed. For the coexistence of overflow and leakage, detailed technical measures have been prepared from the aspects of wellbore drifting , casing running and cementation, and the target of “wearing shoes and hats” has been realized. The drilling technology of Well Ejandi-4 can provide useful experience for future oil and gas drilling in western Hubei.
keywords:shale gas geological survey  shale gas well  gushing and leakage coexist  “wearing shoes and hats” cementing  deviation prevention drilling  Well Ejiandi-4  western Hubei
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