



Analysis of the Technology Difficulties and Countermeasures in Warm Ice Deep Core Drilling

College of Construction Engineering Jilin University,College of Construction Engineering Jilin University,108 Team, The Bureau of Non-ferrous Gelolgy of Liaoning Province,Polar Research Center of Jilin University,Polar Research Center of Jilin University

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    The ice core in Polar regions contains precious ancient climate and environment information, records the ancient atmospheric composition, and have characteristics of higher resolution, long time scale and amount of information and so on. It is very important to obtain ancient deep ice core to reconstruction the earth evolution and to predict the global climate changing. Therefore, the scientists in world are looking for ancient ice core and planning to carry out new deep ice core drilling projects. However, there are lots of problems when drilling in warm ice since the ice having lower melting point and higher temperature such as the slowly drilling speed, the lower core recovery and more sticking accidents and so on. So the warm ice drilling practices in Polar Regions are reviewed in this paper. And the technology problems drilling in warm ice are analyzed. At the same time, the influences of the cutting heat generated in the rotary drilling on drilling process are discussed. Based on these analyses, the research directions in future and the technical countermeasures for warm ice drilling are also put forward in this study, which may be provide some reference for our coming deep ice core drilling project and the subglacial bedrock core drilling project in Antarctica.

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    发 布

CAO Pin-lu, CHEN Bao-yi, LIU Chun-peng, et al. Analysis of the Technology Difficulties and Countermeasures in Warm Ice Deep Core Drilling[J]. Drilling Engineering, 2014,41(9):58-62.

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  • 收稿日期:2014-05-30
  • 最后修改日期:2014-05-30
  • 录用日期:2014-07-24
  • 在线发布日期: 2014-09-30