1.桂林理工大学土木与建筑工程学院,广西 桂林 541004; 2.广西桂林水文工程地质勘察院,广西 桂林 541002
U418.5 2
1.College of Civil and Architecture Engineering, Guilin University of Technology,Guilin Guangxi 541004, China;2.Guangxi Guilin Geotechnical Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology,Guilin Guangxi 541002, China
张 飙,俞 敏.锚索桩板式挡土墙治理高边坡分析与设计[J].钻探工程,2020,47(6):67-72,96.ZHANG Biao, YU Min. Analysis and design of the anchor cable pile sheet retaining wall for high slope treatment[J]. Drilling Engineering, 2020,47(6):67-72,96.