Abstract:Rheologic property of soil is theoretically studied based on intrinsic time theory in this paper. Rheologic constructive equation of soil is presented under the condition of quasi triaxiality, and is verified based on triaxial rheologic test results of soil, which indicates the equation can exactly describe rheologic property of soil.
HAN Rr-cai , LI Liang , FU He-lin
Abstract:GM(1,1) model of unequal time span forecast of ground settlement is established based upon Grey theory. The result can be amended. The model was applied to forecast the ground base settlement of a 12 storey building. The accuracy of the results got by this forecasting model is higher than that of common hyperbolic model.
DONG Zheng-feng , YUAN Pan-hong , GAO Guan-jiang
Abstract:通过徐州电业局科技综合楼和徐州白云大厦股份公司二期工程 2项钻孔嵌岩扩底桩施工实践 ,介绍了施工设备 ,成孔、成桩工艺 ,常见事故的预防、处理措施等。 2项工程均取得较好效果 ,初步显示了基岩钻孔扩底桩成孔、成桩工艺用于建筑桩基础施工的优越性。
CHENG Jian-ji , CHENG Jian-tian , CHENG Wen-han
Abstract:介绍了几种性能优良的化学灌浆材料 ,并通过几个典型的工程实例 ,具体说明化学灌浆技术在混凝土 (砼 )裂缝、“蜂窝”、“狗洞”防渗堵漏工程中的特殊功能和应用远景。
Abstract:结合干振碎石桩在高速公路液化地基处理中的应用 ,从机械设备、施工方法、应用效果等方面介绍了干振碎石桩施工技术 ,并探讨了该技术的优点、存在问题 ,同时对其推广提出了一些建议。
Abstract:常用的深层搅拌桩、旋喷桩复合地基承载力的影响因素有地层和桩 2个方面。用处理后承载力的增加倍数σ对地基处理提高承载力的程度进行分析评价 ,从而计算出经济桩长 ,并对复合地基承载力的取值进行了分析 ;认为采用相对变形值和变形值变化率确定取值更符合地层情况。
Abstract:在高速公路路基加固钻孔施工中遇到孔壁坍塌 ,在深层搅拌桩的启发下 ,摸索出了治理坍塌堵漏的新途径 ,即旋喷造壁。其工艺方法是用旋喷钻头在坍塌孔段向孔壁旋喷水泥浆固结坍塌物 ,造成人工孔壁。分析了其与深层搅拌桩的区别 ,并介绍了其施工前的准备工作及操作要领、注意事项。采用此法加固坍塌带取得了较好的效果。
ZHOU Pei-rong , LIU Qing-ming , SHI Guang-yu
Abstract:介绍了水下砼灌注中砼质量易变的原因及其所造成的危害。为确保水下砼质量 ,在分析粗集料于砼上返过程中受力情况的基础上 ,建立了选择粗骨料的数学模型 ,并在实际中得到应用。最后还提出了一些建议和说明。
Abstract:1998年 ,我队承担了由日本政府资助的“云南腾冲梁河地域资源调查”项目中的钻探施工任务 ,在施工 6号孔的过程中 ,钻进到 1 0 3m孔深时 ,在 45 34m处发生 71mm绳索取心钻杆折断事故。在断头孔段 ,钻孔直径为 75mm ,因该孔段岩层裂隙发育、掉块等原因 ,钻杆断头严重偏离原钻孔轴线 ,经用 71mm绳索取心钻杆和 50mm普通钻杆带锥具打捞均告失败 ,无论带锥具的钻杆呈直或弯曲状态 ,均无法找到钻杆断头。后采用调整下入孔内的 71mm绳索取心钻杆的上下顺序 ,带同径马蹄管的方法 ,找到一种钻杆排列顺序才使马蹄管插入钻杆断头 ,但…
Abstract:在王禄分离式立交桥桩基工程施工中 ,由于机械故障等原因 ,未能及时下放钢筋笼、浇灌砼 ,导致钢筋笼下放不到位、又不能拔出笼体、砼面上升高度超出理论值等事故 ,分析了事故原因 ,并介绍了处理方案的实施过程。
LIN Yuan-hu , LIANG Zheng , SHI Tai he
Abstract:Benefiting from the dynamic model, the geometric structure model and the theory of the roller cone bit, I establish the mathematical model of the nager, the mathematical model of the real bottom hole and the mathematical model between the tooth and the rock of the hammer bit. Hence the penetration rate of the hydraulic percussion drilling can be predicted by simulation. Field tests show the models are reliable and the results which I predict are as precise as that in the field.
Abstract:Some key technical problems in research and manufacture of CFZ-1500 percussion reverse circulation drill are discussed in this paper, including crank connecting rod clevel automatical percussion mechanism, forced balance of synchronous hoist system, reverse circulation system as well as percussion bit.
Abstract:A new series of bits specifically developped is applied to drilling geophysical prospecting epicentre hole in stratum of bonding clay, sand clay, mantle rock, blue broad stone and river stone and so on in Mishan. The bits include two wings scraping cutter bit of diameter 98 mm, three rollers bit of diameter 98 mm, PDC scraping cutter bit of diameter 98 mm and anti stuck bit of diameter 118 mm applied to gravel and heaving sand. The number of drilled holes using two wings scraping cutter bit and three rollers bit is 930. Those bits have achieved better economic and social results.
Abstract:在无循环旋挖钻孔施工中 ,钻斗是主要的成孔器具。钻斗的进土结构、防抽空现象以及出土结构是影响钻进效率的重要因素 ,针对这些问题 ,分析了各种结构的利弊以及开发应用的情况。
Abstract:钻机零件材料的选用 ,应根据其工作条件所要求的机械性能 ,及材料热处理后所能达到的性能相结合 ,才能做到选材科学、经济、合理。
LU Yu bei , ZHANG Gu bin , LI Zhi hong
Abstract:The concept of old well treating engineering is first presented in this paper. It's definition, object and method of study are discussed in details. SJ-2 water well detecting colour TV system is introduced. The origin of several common problems of old well is discussed, and the technological measures solving those problems are pointed out. Proposals of strengthening study in the future are offered in this paper.
Abstract:西安深部地热井 0~ 70 0m为Q系地层 ,低温层 ;70 0~ 2 1 0 0m为R系地层 ,中高温层 ,最高达 93°。采用的护壁材料为NV -I钠土 ,低温层选用PAC1 41为泥浆体系的主体聚合物 ,中高温层选用PAC1 42为泥浆体系的主体聚合物 ,现场对泥浆性能进行连续维护。使用PAC泥浆实现了长裸眼钻进 ,出水量大 ,水温稳定 ,水质洁净 ,护壁效果明显提高。
ZHEN Shu-luo , MA Liu-bao , YAN Xiao-li
Abstract:Y5水文地质勘探孔孔深 1 80 1 8m ,施工技术措施为 :井管安装采用分段下管两次固井法 ;采用前导向后扶正组合钻具逐级扩孔法纠斜 ;采用无固相及低固相泥浆钻进 ;钻孔比原设计加深 ,超过钻机的设计能力 ,对钻机进行了一些改进 ;固井单向阀由 2 1 9mm井管下端移至上端。
Abstract:采用自行设计制造的自升式液压升降钻探平台承担了 40多项浅海勘探工作。钻孔结构为 1 68mm开孔 , 1 30mm终孔 ,使用海水泥浆护壁 ,其pH值控制在 9~ 1 1。土层及淤泥质土用 1 1 0mm锥阀式强制密封取土器取原状样 ,砂性土采用 89mm薄壁自由活塞式取土器取原状样。同时指出了海上钻探的注意事项。
Abstract:3 4 滑坡推力计算根据设计标准 ,考虑了未清除表层滑移体和清除表层滑移体 ,天然与暴雨、地震、1 75m水位和移民迁建加载等因素。3 4 1 公式的建立Pi =KiTi ΨiPi- 1-Ni式中 :Pi 第i块剩余下滑力 ;Ti 第i块下滑力 ;Ni 第i块抗滑力 ;Ψi 传递系数 ,Ψi=cos(αi- 1-αi) -sin(αi- 1-αi)tanφi;Ci、φi第i块内聚力及内摩擦角 ;αi 第i块滑面倾角 ;Ki 设计滑坡推力安全系数。3 .4 .1 .1 基本荷载情况下Ti =WisinαiNi =Wicosαitanφi CiLi3 .4 .1 .2 自重 地震…
Abstract:Stress state of thin kerf diamond bit manufactured by sintering method is analyzed based on molding theory of powder metallurgy and the shortcomings of flat contour of bit crown are pointed out. Semi circle like contour of bit crown for thin kerf diamond bit is proposed based on analyzing distribution of density and hardness of matrix of the bit and drilling process.
WU Li , ZHANG Shi-zhong , LIN Feng
Abstract:With the development of science and technology, there are some new developing trends of rock fragmentation. Several new methods and their characters for rock fragmentation,such as equal ion rock fragmenting, electronic beam rock fragmenting, laser rock fragmenting, microwave rock fragmenting, thermal rock fragmenting and shooting bomb rock fragmenting, are introduced in this paper.
ZHOU Can-feng , CHEN Qing-shou , LI Zhu-guang
Abstract:Based on mathematical description of nonhomogeneous microstructural distribution of material, stochastic model of sawing force is established, and calculating formula of random sawing force is presented, rationality of the formula is verified by sawing testing in moorstone, and effect of sawing parameter on sawing forces and wear of blade is summarized.
ZHOU Guo-qing , GAO Feng , XU Xiao-qin , FAN Wan-qing
Abstract:DMZ low density solid free drilling fluid is mainly comprised of water, high molecular polymer and natural high molecular compound. It's density ranges from 0.999 to 1.004 g/cm 3. It possesses good quality of anti caving, protecting wall and flocculating. The problems occuring in small diameter wire line coring drilling, such as slurry cake in inner face of drilling rod, low carrying capability, high water loss and so on, can be solved with it.
Abstract:第三讲 中心取样钻探工艺中心取样钻探工艺根据所选用钻具的不同而异 ,中国地质科学院勘探技术研究所研究并经过试验验证可实现中心取样钻探工艺的基本钻具组合方式有 6种 ,如图 3- 1所示。不同的钻具组合所适应的地质条件如表 3- 1所示。图 3 -1 中心取样钻探钻具组合A—常规潜孔锤钻具组合 ;B—贯通式潜孔锤钻具组合 ;C—牙轮钻具组合 ;D—硬质合金钻具组合 ;E—复合片钻具组合 ;F—刮刀钻具组合1—双壁钻杆 ;2—转换接头 ;3—常规潜孔锤 ;4—贯通式潜孔锤 ;5—牙轮钻具配气接头 ;6—牙轮钻头 ;7—岩心卡断器 ;8—硬质合金钻头 ;9…
Abstract:以四川渡口水泥厂矿山爆破工程为实例 ,从设计到施工 ,阐述了导爆索 -导爆管雷管接力起爆网路在矿山爆破工程中的应用。爆破达到了预期效果 ,取得了较好的经济效益。
Abstract:天荒坪抽水蓄能电站 1号输水系统充水后在高达 667m的水头压力下进行底部施工支洞等部位的漏水处理 ,这在国内还是首次。经过分析漏水原因 ,通过采用水泥灌浆结合化学灌浆的方法施工 ,并采用高达 7~ 9MPa的灌浆压力对漏水部位进行灌浆 ,使漏水处理取得了较好的效果。